New Era and Best Civilisation

We help you achieve sovereignty and freedom through the development of mind technology.
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You Are Not Data Store to Be Exploited

You're not a resource to be unwittingly exploited for the wealth and interests of others. Knowing the deceptive structure gives you the power to change it.

How You Have Been Exploited as Resource

If you know that the goals and rules of our civilisation are enslavement and exploitation, why should you continue to follow them?

Find Your Premier Seat for Your Universe

As the CEO of your world, where is the best place for you to improve and innovate? If you always feel stuck in the same problematic place, try this art-and-tech experiment.

Redefine Yourself - You Are Not Inorganic Mask

If you really want to stop dreaming the nightmare, you'd better start with yourself. Redefining yourself and knowing who you really are will give you power.

You Can Draw Power from Yourself

As a contextual catalyst, your true philosopher's stone plays a vital role in accelerating your transformation for your sovereignty and freedom.