Tech and Hacks on Human Mind

Writing about how to identify hidden problems, how to hack the deception systems, and how to upgrade and innovate the civilisation on this planet, Terra.

Book of Innovation: How to Tear Down the Wall of Oppression and Deception

If you want to know what is holding you back from self-realisation, this article will help you to identify the root cause and find a solution in your daily life.

What You Are About to Innovate in Planetary Environment

Remove unnecessary man-in-the-middle systems from this virtual universe and planetary virtualisation.

North Star: True Destination We Are Heading Towards

If you really want to achieve sovereignty and freedom, here's what you need to know. A broader view of the structure of the universe.

Connect to the Macrocosmic Network

Today we're trying a new way of communicating with you. We've encoded a lot of information about cosmology and vibrational shifts into a new sound art.

Productivity Tool for Your Sound Experiments

Are you interested in holographic reality and vibrational frequencies? If so, this tool can help you in some way and save you time and effort.