When it comes to building a new civilisation, most people might think that it can't be done by one person, and that it will take an incredibly long time. But the truth is, it's possible. When you and I think like consultants or entrepreneurs, we break down a huge temple into very small chunks of masonry. In this article we will find a way of how to connect a small issue to the big future.
Theory in Bullet Points
- Backcasting - highly evolved species with advanced technologies in the autonomous community on/in this planet, and such communities are there in peace.
- The community is driven by leaders with different inclinations in a circle-like structure, as opposed to a pyramid-like hierarchy, and its culture is developed through a balance between spirituality and technology.
- Philosophy or metaphysics is not required for the culture, and their advanced technologies are based on the multidimensional science in the concept of multiverses.
- In order to develop such advanced technology, the species must start with the basics - an understanding of consciousness, mind and multi-layered holographic systems.
- Understanding of such basics can start with one person, and the person must have inclinations and preferences such as starting a project from scratch, being willing to unlearn what they currently know, thinking in systems, integrating all things into one place without denial based on bias.
- The people with such inclinations and preferences can be found in some categories - giftedness, techies, vegan and vegetarian regardless of gender or demographic segments.
- The people in these categories are more likely to work on their mission with the new culture in a more ethical and sustainable way, but their ethics are not like the old one which seeks to control and manipulate others like slaves.
- Their mission and project could be a kind of well-being business as an illustration of their culture, so the new civilisation can start with a small well-being project or business.
Simple Strategy
- Start with a very small thing and design a prototype as a blueprint in your mind and install it into an infrastructure of our mind called the genetic mind, then live in the new world and diffuse it naturally and holographically.
A Secret Portal of Alchemy
To build a new civilisation for a new era, traditional alchemy must be reinvented with a new discovery. This discovery involves updating the concept of the philosopher's stone, the astral realm, the etheric substance, and magic and alchemy itself. As I wrote in a book called 'The Secret Portal of Alchemy', your stone is not your astral body but your individuated consciousness. To open the portal to your true self, which is your individuated consciousness, new research techniques and existing technology are very helpful. In short, you might want to read the book of nature thoroughly.
Something Different Happens in Your Life When You Think Like a Consultant
In this article, the theory is written in bullet points, but it's not like key points. That's because it's structured in the way that consultants typically use. Some experts use the logical structure to find an impactful issue to solve by breaking down a big problem into small components. Others may use the structure to solve the client's problem and design the presentation at the same time.
Recently, when working with other consultants, I've found that it's better to define a main issue and sub-issues before sharing a visual note. I've finally understood that a lot of people in this world think sequentially about logic with words when it comes to solving problems, so it's better to explicitly break down a big issue like how to build a new civilisation into sub-issues with words.
As you know, if you break down the issue into small chunks that support the issue, you'll gradually see which chunk needs to be resolved as a starting point. People often refer to this process as 'increasing resolutions', because you start to see things more clearly than before. In the sense that you think about things in a linear way.
This helps you a lot in solving problems, because you already know both big and small things, abstract ideas and concrete ways. What this means is that you'll have a lot of trouble solving a small problem unless you understand the whole picture of integration and system dynamics.
As you can see, there're tons of dysfunctional systems in this world (not the world). One of the root causes is a lack of understanding of how they work as systems, and this applies to the spiritual industry as well. Imagine the Sephiroth in Kabbalah, you'll have a lot of trouble if you don't know about how it works. This is system dynamics. As alchemists, you and I have to acquire the skill of systems thinking in order to build a new civilisation, because civilisation is made up of different cultures, technologies and communities.
Thinking like a consultant doesn't just mean thinking logically, it means thinking in systems with art, design and mind aspects. When you think this way, you'll see this world very differently. And this way of thinking is the same way that alchemists have done throughout human history.
Something Exciting Happens in Your Life When You Act Like an Entrepreneur
It takes action to make a difference. Thinking differently alone doesn't make any difference. Software controls hardware, so you have to take action.
Once you've got both the whole picture, which is a grand design, and the small issue to resolve at an inception point, you'd better build a small prototype to evaluate your idea. This is actually the proof of concept (PoC), and it's like designing a blueprint in the invisible realm.
If your idea would be well evaluated, your prototype would also evolve into a model. This model could be a new paradigm. It's actually very small, but if you were to constantly inherit the model to resolve other issues or if I were to implement your model in my daily life, it could have a huge effect on expansion. Precisely, this model consists of mental models and mindsets. It's a core part of a new culture. When the core system expands with reproductions by a certain number of people, it becomes a belief system. That's the culture.
Here's the question to consider. Why are certain cultural inheritances and belief systems most often be found in the same or similar species?
The reason for this is the genetic mind, most commonly understood as the subconscious and unconscious mind. The mind plays a vital role in storing innumerable thought and behaviour patterns like GitHub or GitLab, and it has a regional (genetic) system like the infrastructure for cloud computing. It doesn't look like the cloud infrastructure we use, but the concept is very similar.
With this understanding, which is a part of system dynamics and a leverage point for information structure and flow, you'll build an effective prototype to grow. That's the reason why we shouldn't be rely too much on design thinking and lean startup methodology, because it's about getting the balance right.
When it comes to scalability, startups and enterprises really care about the total addressable market (TAM). You and I have to care about the same thing. To build a new civilisation, it should be at least planetary in scale. But as we considered above, your prototype is an inception point. It sounds like a butterfly effect, but it has a huge potential for expansion. That's a core specification of the mind hologram technology.
Acting like an entrepreneur means being practical and concrete, but it also means having the whole picture and understanding system dynamics, such as how a leverage point works in structure and flow. These mental models and systems mindset will help you evolve your mind prototype into a cultural model.
The Effective Way to Build a Huge Temple Requires Abstract Design and Concrete Masonry
Just as a huge temple is made up of different elements, the new civilisation will be built with different models by different types of people. Some people are very good at building a foundation from scratch, but others are really good at improving the initial version of the product.
This year, I've learnt that there're 2 types of people in business. One tends to think and perceive things in an object-oriented way. The other tends to think and perceive things in a sequential and linear way. In other words, some people tend to perceive the world in a visual way, and other people tend to understand the world in a verbal way. But this is not a dichotomous judgement. Rather, it's an inclination or preference that the person tends to choose.
And in my case, I'm an extremely visual thinker, but I tend to think in a deductive way. More precisely, I use both deductive and inductive methods at the same time. In general, visual thinkers tend to think inductively, but it's not such a black and white thing. It's just a statistical category rather than a dichotomous diagnosis. Everyone is actually different on a scale.
I was very curious about this insight and did a lot of research, reading books, taking tests, working with different types of people on a project, and finding the better way to work as part of a large consulting project for higher performance as a team.
The most powerful insight is that knowing yourself solves the problems of communicating with others. When you understand these inclinations and preferences, unnecessary conflicts and frustrations will disappear or can be avoided in the first place. Because you can find a balance between different ways of thinking. I think that the most cases of miscommunication occur because of a lack of consideration for different ways of thinking.
What I found in a recent project is that the way you work with others affects the way they respond. Without knowing inclinations and preferences, an extreme investment in communication will fail and create more conflict in your organisation. A linear, sequential and verbal thinker can't understand what an object-oriented and visual thinker is saying, and the verbal thinker is more likely to feel irritated and think the visual thinker is wrong. This creates a lot of dysfunction and conflict.
Until last year, I thought of myself as a very slow thinker, with a serious lack of leadership and low energy. But it was all wrong. When I took some tests and had a counselling session, my inclination, preference and energy were for starting things from scratch rather than analysing and improving existing things. But for a long time I had thought that as a project manager or consultant I was good at improving existing things.
This misunderstanding has caused so much miscommunication and conflict in my life. Recently, people I have worked with have often said that I think and work too fast compared to other team members. But I have thought everyone was doing it better and faster than me. This has been a disaster!
If you were a visual thinker or gifted, you might experience the same thing. I'm not saying that I'm a gifted, but it could be a similar situation because I'm a visual thinker. What we have in common is that we are able to have several issues at the same time in a chaotic situation. The inclination and preference are suitable for the initial stage of designing something from scratch.
This means that visual thinkers, gifted people, people with object-oriented and futuristic thinking are needed in the first stage of building a new civilisation. Because they see the future as a whole, they understand how systems work, and they are comfortable with backcasting from the ideal.
The next stage of building a new civilisation requires verbal thinkers, techies, the people with sequential and linear thinking. They are very organised, and they think one thing at a time, and forecasting into the future. These inclinations and preferences are suitable for improving existing things. They are so powerful in an expansion phase.
In conclusion, both abstract and concrete ways are needed to build a new civilisation. And for the first time, a small prototype is needed to create a new paradigm. Creating a new paradigm requires futuristic thinking and backcasting beyond linear space-time. Visual thinkers and gifted people can create a foundation for the future as a framework and pass it on to verbal thinkers and people with a linear mindset to improve things. Because they are good at breaking down a big picture into small pieces that can be resolved.
But the most impactful solution is to become aware that you and I already live inside and outside the limitations of linear space-time. The genetic mind is beyond linear space-time and so are we. This is the hidden key to the new civilisation that is already being built as a prototype.