Firstly, in terms of the macrocosmic or the planetary network, we want to communicate with you through the sound art below, rather than through words. To raise your vibration and expand your consciousness, a new style of communication is useful in terms of a higher information density.
If you're an artist, mage or alchemist, you already know how to make things happen. To accomplish a particular task, you organise your mind system and then tune it to the virtual universe and the genetic mind.
You may feel that you're becoming a pipeline or a network cable to carry the information energy from a higher density to the lower density realms. Most people refer to this phenomenon as downloading or channeling, but it's simply lowering the information density and raising the resolution for a particular subject.
Your human mind system and your human device play a role in collecting, amplifying and transforming the information energy. And this technique is available when you resonate with the appropriate bandwidth.
This means that your mind system is now fully integrated with the environment around you, like a small circuit being plugged into the larger system. This is possible because of the technological specification - vibrational fractal and structural topology.
To become this state of mind, the provisioning of your human mind system is crucial. It's definitely the same as provisioning the virtual machine in information technology and virtualisation, so your preparation will be the reconfiguration of your human mind system, including the human device, based on the template.
In this context, the template is the genetic settings. The template is reconfigured as the planetary situation changes, so you update your system with the pre-configured template to move forward. In other words, you raise your vibration according to the environmental shift.
The important thing is that this integration process doesn't happen hyper-automatically. To accelerate the integration process, you might want to change your behaviour to resonate with and tune into the ideal bandwidth. This effort is called self-development, and that's what provisioning does.
This work of provisioning enables you to expand your consciousness and open the portal to the macrocosmic network and the galactic intercommunication.
As you raise your vibration, the density of information energy will increase, and then you'll temporarily feel severe cognitive overload. But after that, you'll be able to process the incredible amount of data at once, because of your system is now expanding.
At the beginning of this communication we tried to tell you something as a form of sound art. It's because we can put a lot of encoded information energy into it, even though it plays linearly. It's like a compressed bundle of information energy that can be decompressed when you play it.
This technological specification will be used more and more in a form of holographic communication in the new era of transparency and complexity. We can see the same communication in the ancient architecture, such as pyramids and temples. These encoded a lot of non-verbal information related to Kundalini energy and the structure of the human mind system and the human device.