New Era and Best Civilisation

We help you achieve sovereignty and freedom through the development of mind technology.
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Magical Power vs. Spiritual Power

We tend to judge the magical power and the astral entities as evil and dark, and the spiritual power and the etheric entities as good and light. But we can see things differently.

Enjoy Communicating With Other Species

Are you interested in energy communication? If so, today's insight will take you to a new place to connect with nature.

Inverse Correlation Between Deception and Creativity

If you want to unleash your creativity, a look at mind control techniques and human history will help you gain a wider view and a broader perspective.

Science With Magic and Alchemy

Today's insight is something different. You and I will dive into the ancient science that is almost forgotten. It reveals how we can create our own reality on a subtle level.

The Power of Magic and Information Density

Losing high information density means losing the power of magic. But you can take full advantage of the status quo for the coming era of high information density.