New Era and Best Civilisation

We help you achieve sovereignty and freedom through the development of mind technology.
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Open Research - Human Mind System

To solve the myriad of stacking problems and dysfunctions in this virtual universe, we decided to open source our research project.

The Architecture of This Virtual Universe

If you really want to get to the root of the world's problems, you might want to know what the architecture of the system is and how it actually works.

Mind DNA Now Changing in Human Evolution

We're at an imperative fork in the road of human evolution. The choices we make affect the evolution of the human mind, cognitive psychology and information technology, including new AI.

Time Travelling With Consciousness

Do you travel through space-time? How do you move through space-time? Why am I from the future? You may be interested in time travelling with consciousness.

Resonance With Stars and the Starseed Myth

When you look up at the night sky, do certain stars resonate with you? Why do you feel something about the stars? Let's take a look at both science and myth.