New Era and Best Civilisation

We help you achieve sovereignty and freedom through the development of mind technology.
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Why Negative Capability Is Useful

The negative capability is connected to the design squiggle, the alchemy methods, the mindsets and mental models. All things are interconnected.

How to Broaden Your Perspective for Insights

To think creatively like an artist or a consultant, you can evolve your mindset by broadening your perspectives. Then you'll get deep insights that will surprise you.

What I Have Learnt From Channeling Experience

Most people like channeling a lot. But for me it's not exciting. But it gives us a lot of things through practical experience.

Inverse Correlation Between Deception and Creativity

If you want to unleash your creativity, a look at mind control techniques and human history will help you gain a wider view and a broader perspective.

New Work Now Available With AI Collaboration

We're pleased to announce that a new work is available on this website. The work is 'Cipher Literature', which consists of small pieces of cipher story. This is for you to unleash the power of your imagination.