As your consciousness expands, you're gradually dissolving into the cosmic network as one of its branches. You're a microcosmic circuit working with a larger system.
You're naturally attuned to an expanding world with the latest sound art. As you've aligned yourself with a macrocosmic system, which is literally gigantic and galactic, you're gradually becoming part of the system. You're a vibrational fractal and structural topology of cosmic consciousness.
If you've ever tried to communicate with birds using sound and telepathy, you already know what we mean. When you send them good vibes, you first attract their attention with a sound similar to their songs. And then, you send them information energy after establishing the connection.
The same goes for the cosmic communication. If you're a mage or a witch, you already know what we mean. When you activate your magical circuit, whatever form it takes, you first trigger your conscious mind and tune it into the cosmic network. You may use incense or sound to tune in and dissolve yourself into the system.
This art shows you how. It was created by us and generative AI. We created an abstract concept and blueprint, and then handed it to the AI. This mechanical collaboration is called "AI in the middle" and this is achieved when you integrate with the environment around you, including digital technology.
But that doesn't mean it's better for you to implant mechanical technologies into your mind system like the etheric functional implants. We strongly recommend that you don't confuse consciousness expansion with the ideas of ascension hierarchy and transhumanism. The term transcendence doesn't work with the concept of consciousness expansion. This is because the ideas come from the old-fashioned teaching order.
Now you have a clearer picture with the art above. Your microcosmic circuit is a vibrational fractal and structural topology of the macrocosmic network. If the Tree of Life for this planet is called Yggdrasil, then your microcosmic mind system is one of its branches. You can say that you're a precious cell, equally precious to the whole body. It's a very holographic reality, from the celestial culture to the subterranean control system.
But you and I have one thing in mind. It's so important to us.
The deception systems called the virtual universe is also a replica of the macrocosmic reality. This means that the virtual universe is also a vibrational fractal and structural topology of the galactic network. In other words, it's better for us to find and set the ideal starting point for creating and experiencing the reality we truly want.
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