Understanding Information Density in Mind Technology

Posted by lemur47 on 31 July 2024

Without using the term "ascension", which is the old-fashioned idea of superior and inferior, how can you and I understand what's happening on our planet?

One of the most difficult but essential things is to understand things without words.

The words we use, especially English, are very descriptive and optimised for the human brain. The main feature of our languages is to wrap the description around the essence. So it's very difficult to understand the essence itself.

When it comes to understanding new things, the same thing happens when you cling on to the outdated idea, such as spiritual ascension and the etheric/astral realm.

Whether the quality is good or bad, it's very useful to express what you feel purely through art. You can use words in your mind while creating an artwork, but pure information energy comes from outside the outdated framework. So this is about how to reduce the influence of the outdated framework.

Artwork about information density

This artwork was created in 2019, somewhere in Cambodia. I don't remember why I created it, but I realised that it expresses what information density is and how we can perceive the increase of information density in this galaxy, including this virtual universe.

The important thing to know is that our languages and ideas are firmly based on the concept of linear space-time. In addition, the mathematics and science of our civilisation is based on the forbidden domain of God(s).

It prevents us, like a firewall or routing technology, from perceiving the increase in information density. Since idea plays a role in distilling a very small amount of information energy and variables to focus on a particular area, it acts as a mind framework or measure such as dichotomy.

In this insight, I avoid putting everything into words, because it prevents you from understanding things as they are. But one thing I can tell you is that the concept (framework and technique) of linear space-time enables you to perceive things with less information density and fewer variables in the imaginary world of separation.

This situation is called the situation of living in the illusion systems and the virtual universe. And you and I have plugged countless mind cages into the environment as rules that bind us tightly. But in the real universe we're all free and interconnected.