How to Bring Well-Being Into Society

[insights] Posted by lemur47 on 23 November 2023

To make this possible, we must first prepare our minds and our environment as a prototype or a minimum viable product for a well-being culture.

In this insight, you and I will find a way to bring TRUE well-being into our society. Here are the things we're looking at as we connect the dots.

  • Business must first bring a well-being culture into its organisation
  • Purpose shouldn't be a vague poem because it's a powerful driver for our minds
  • Systems and design approaches need to be integrated with the alchemical art

When it comes to well-being and ethical lifestyle, the world of commerce tends to focus only on consumption. But the state of our collective mind and consciousness doesn't work like that way.

In Japan, the term 'ethical' is mainly understood as 'ethical consumption'. This means that people tend to think that the term 'ethical' is a kind of brand and status. The concept of ethics doesn't mean anything like that, and it's not defined for the more-is-better marketing. It also doesn't make you feel so good with the status of 'I'm so cool because I buy ethical products'.

In the case of developing a well-being business with a 'strategy', companies are more likely to ignore their working culture. In my opinion, they won't be able to develop and deliver authentic well-being services unless they build their well-being environment. But the reality is that, just like digital transformation, their working culture and environment don't illustrate the purpose of well-being.

Remember Conway's Law. It's about the correlation between the communication structure of the organisation and the systems the organisation designs. According to DevIQ, adjusting your organisational structure can have a direct impact on the design of your software systems.

The same applies to our mind, which is made up of invisible DNA and the genetic mind. We express the preference settings of our invisible and visible DNA by interacting with the environment around us. Whether it's digital or physical, your mind programmes express the same structure to the world in a fractal and topological way. This means that we should be very MINDFUL of what we think before we act.

To make it simple, I prefer to use an analogy from my experience in content creation. We can't really entertain our audience if we don't enjoy creating the content. The same goes for well-being businesses, services and products. If you're not in a state of well-being, you won't be able to provide a well-being environment for people because you still don't have a well-being culture.

To be authentic in the well-being business, our purpose shouldn't be a vague poem. It shouldn't be like 'make people smile' or 'innovate the world with technology'. These statements work well for our collective mind if they are well thought out as a set of mind programmes, which is a corporate mindset.

As a consultant, I've seen many companies talk out loud about 'co-creation' or 'collaboration', but internally they communicate with project members about how to win and beat others by taking full advantage of others. This attitude and culture has created so many dysfunctional systems. I have to say that Conway's Law is very true.

To bring a well-being environment into our society, how can we challenge and improve the status quo?

I think you already have an authentic strategy, but let me share my idea with you. First of all, it's better to upgrade our mindset and paradigm from dichotomy to inter-dimensionality. Too much focus on design thinking doesn't solve problems at the root. On the other hand, too much reliance on the systems, e.g. the 'strategy first, people second' mindset, creates suffering and dysfunctional systems.

We're better off using not only both approaches, but multiple approaches simultaneously. This can be achieved through our expanded mind and consciousness with multiple mental models and mindsets (programmes).

The art of alchemy is very helpful in this, in the sense that it requires us to prepare our mind before distilling gold from chaotic mercury. And it also requires us to speculate and operate in the long term. In other words, the art is a series of plans and actions. Getting silver before the philosopher's stone is like a blueprint for a well-being society, and it works as your minimum viable product (MVP) in terms of mind tech.

In conclusion, we're better off connecting the dots as a new insight with our expanded mind before putting it into practice. To get the gold from purifying your astral body as part of a well-being society, you might want to be prepared with the environment around you. You and your environment are a prototype or a minimum viable product for the well-being society.

Don't be fooled by the trends and traditions of how the world of commerce disguises itself in the context of well-being and ethics.