Your Mind Structure: Redefining Who You Really Are

Posted by lemur47 on 5 September 2024

First thing first, let's take a look at the following material.

Local mind structure - your local universe

You're a local universe. This means that you have the local mind system as part of the human mind system working with the virtual universe. The important thing is that you're NOT the local mind system.

Yes, you HAVE an individualised mind as your avatar for the virtual universe and it interfaces with other local universes in the virtual universe. This technological specification enables you to create and experience your own reality as part of the shared reality.

When it comes to thoughts and emotions, we tend to think they're ourselves. When we get caught up in thoughts and emotions, in other words, when we merge ourselves with problems, we're more likely to struggle with situations.

Technically, we can't separate thoughts and emotions from ourselves, nor can we externalise problems, but it's better for us to distance ourselves from thoughts, emotions and problems so that we can see things in a broader context, not within the content.

But what are those that distance themselves from situations and look at things from a contextual perspective?

Obviously, it's NOT your avatar. Because it's part of your local universe within the whole system. It's an entity known as your consciousness. Your entity is the true context that is borderless and limitless.

In the case of emotional power and non-linear feedback loops, they're involved in the astral information energy and the etheric platform. These systemic components are in the strategic realm, creating tons of signals and synchronicities according to the environment around you.

The strategic realm is also related to your dream and psychic experience, so if you have enough distance from them and are aware that you have them as a vast context, you won't be easily swayed by what you've seen, whether negative or positive, destructive or constructive.

The most important thing to know is that you have and use the local universe as one of the multiverses in the virtual universe, which is part of the true multiverse. And you can strategically and constantly change your inter-dimensional and inter-dense position according to the emotional feedback loops and non-linear synchronicities.

All you have to do is redefine who you really are. You're the consciousness that creates and experiences your own reality within the shared reality, taking full advantage of your local universe.