Solve Problems at the Root in This Virtual Universe

Posted by lemur47 on 15 August 2024

How do you usually identify the root cause of everyday problems?

If you were a business consultant, you would use the systems theory or think in systems to find impactful problems with multiple leverage points.

The same applies in this virtual universe. The key difference is that the leverage points and feedback loops are non-linear, inter-dense and inter-dimensional. This means that it's not easy to identify the root cause to define the issues to focus on.

But there's a good news for you and me.

We have a framework of this virtual universe created with mind technology. In most cases this framework has been misunderstood as the structure of the real universe or the blueprint of the true world.

But the truth is that the framework is the blueprint and abstract map of this virtual universe, not the true world. The framework is called the Tree of Life, also known as Sephiroth.

Art of the tree of life

This artwork-based description is how the Tree of Life works with us, especially the genetic technology and the virtual environment. This helps you and me discard the outdated idea of the ether and astral realms.

As we said, we don't add extra words to explain the technical specifications. The words we use easily cover the essence by wrapping the essence in the information.

But we can tell you this. It will free you from the constraints created by a complex combination of the virtual universe and the illusion systems, plus the mind cages, which we've created and implemented throughout human history.

As you can see, the genetic technology encases our true selves like celestial chains. The celestial chains have been empowered by the terrestrial muddy bog, called the genetic mind.

It's not easy to unravel the chains and bog, it's more like dismantling the black magic formulas, but we can take a more creative route. Use the boundary magic. This magic is known in computer science as domain modelling.

With this technique, you can define a new problem-solving domain with appropriate subdomains, rather than inheriting the old-fashioned idea of higher-self and lower-self.

You can download and use this visual material from the git repository, which is a new inception module for the genetic mind. The shared repository is maintained and constantly updated for you and me.