We tend to change small things on the outside. We prefer not to change the way we think and act. This tendency doesn't make the world a better place.
Lately, I've been thinking every day about new energy and new materials for making necessities. I've been looking around into this topic and I've understood something. It's about ecosystems and networks.
In today's civilisation, especially in the world of commerce, we focus mainly on the edge device, the endpoint, the interface, the boundary and the view. In other words, we're very obsessed with user experience in the status quo.
For example, we prefer the same user experience for cars, robots and mobile apps. You might want to drive a car that has a steering wheel, four tyres and front and back seats.
When I lived in Cambodia and India, TukTuk was the way to get around. The TukTuk seems to have evolved from the horse-drawn carriage, and it's sort of a cross between a carriage and a car.
This type of development is called evolutionary or incremental innovation. And it can prevent us from solving problems.
If we prefer to keep using the same device or the similar interface, the problems are very difficult to solve. Because the edge devices and interfaces are deeply integrated and embedded in the status quo.
If you don't fundamentally change the user interface, the ecosystems and networks won't fundamentally change.
Let's think about a car. Its design concept comes from taking advantage of others. In this case, taking from horses. This means that a driver moves effortlessly by taking energy from others. The car we drive has inherited this concept. It sucks and takes from Terra.
Whether it's hydrogen or electric, it won't really evolve unless we change the way we think - the design concept. The civilisation we live in is driven by the design concept, which is based on the power and interest game. This is the root cause that's holding us back from real innovation.
That's why I've always said that changing the way we think is not some kind of rewriting of your subconscious programmes, but rather a gestalt collapse at the level of civilisation.
As I travelled through Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos, I looked at the sugar cane and coconut shops on the streets and thought. If they are faced with losing their business, what will they do? Will they think about changing the way they do business? Or will they try to stay the way they are?
That was in 2017, and this is the situation we have faced from 2020. Cultural innovation has began by accident.
To change the way they do business, they might give up their street shops and use sugar cane as fuel. They used to throw away coconut shells around their shops, but now they can reuse them to make bricks and other materials.
But this kind of change doesn't happen overnight. It requires fundamental changes not only in our edge businesses (interfaces), but also in ecosystems and networks (supply chains). Most importantly, it challenges us to change our mindsets and our mental models.
If we could successfully change the way we think and act with new mindsets and mental models, energy and materials would be found in a very different way. We've been sucking up and wasting tons of energy, like food loss, but if we could evolve with the balance between technology and consciousness, the world would be seen very differently.
So I say out loud - ascension doesn't solve problems. Selfish and one-sided positive thinking changes nothing. Weird 'light work' doesn't take responsibility. It makes you comfortable, but changes nothing. Because the way we think and act doesn't change. So the world as a whole remains the same.
The stuff that makes you comfortable comes from the design concept of saviours, chosen ones, addictive dependency. They are all the concepts in the mind cage and the illusion systems.