Tech and Hacks on Human Mind

Writing about how to identify hidden problems, how to hack the deception systems, and how to upgrade and innovate the civilisation on this planet, Terra.

How You Look like from the Mind-Eye

Want to know how you look like energetically? If you don't want to be overwhelmed by an energy flow, there's a visual material to help you.

Your Mind Structure: Redefining Who You Really Are

If you think yourself as a mask or an interface, you're caught up in the illusion systems. But if you redefine yourself as an entity, you take full advantage of your local mind system.

New Alchemy - Your Stone Is Consciousness

The time has come to discard outdated definitions of alchemy. You and I are tapping into the essence of cosmic alchemy for further transformation.

Expand Your Perception of Space-Time

As you break the mind cages, you may wish to use leverage points for massive removal. To make this possible, alter your perception of space-time is inevitable.

Break the Mind Cages We Have Created

To identify the powerful leverage point to break the mental chains and mind cages that prevent us from sovereignty and freedom, let's tap into the power of art and technology.