Earthquake Conspiracy

Posted by lemur47 on 9 August 2024

​ Are you part of the 99% or do you think differently? This non-fiction based fictional story encoded many messages about conspiracy.

On the 8th of August at 4:44 pm, a powerful earthquake shook people's minds. Conspiracy theorists had a lot of ideas about the event, and some of them tried to figure out the meaning of 88444.

One of them, a very quiet and discreet theorist, had a subtle doubt about the event and he thought about that the event was planned and triggered by a determined organisation.

Most of the time, Mother Nature doesn't check our calendars and time slots, so it was a bit hard for him to think of it as a natural coincidence.

On the day of the event, he saw many chemtrails in the sky. It was a very hot day and the heavy thunderstorm came just before the event. To him it seemed like an electromagnetic network working with the event as a systemic process.

And he asked himself, "What is their purpose and motivation? Why did they pull the trigger? For what reasons did they have to do it?"

If he were like the other 99% of conspiracy theorists, he would simply jump to the conclusion that the dark organisation, subterranean force, secret society or shadow "one world" government is trying to reduce the world's population.

But fortunately he had already done a lot of research, including a covert mission and undercover investigation into the shadow government's support organisation, the fraternity, which was based on ancient magic and invisible brotherhood, and the religious worshippers of the ancient deities of the Sumerian and Babylonian culture.

So he assumed that someone was trying to rebuild the planetary civilisation, whether they were malevolent or benevolent. He already knew that the idea of right and wrong doesn't work properly with someone on a mission. Everyone in the same situation has a different mission and a different idea.

Based on this neutrality, he thought that someone has had a very long-term mission over thousands of years throughout human history. The mission could have included the resurrection of an ancient continent, with an ancient civilisation in another area of the planet.

Some say that the ancient continent and civilisation is Mu.

But one thing that was very clear to him was that they understand and are very good at frequency and vibration technology, known as mind technology. They use this technology better than the majority of people, especially those who follow the conspiracy theories.

He was certain that they had a support system from invisible civilisations, as the technology they used was completely different and more advanced than that used by the majority. In addition, their technology was quite similar to the knowledge that he had gained during the covert mission and undercover investigation.

So he couldn't conclude that someone was an organisation with a simple history, like the Deep State, manipulating the people on the planet from behind the scenes. But he did get something important, which was the reason why they were so good at electromagnetic technology and ancient civilisation.

And he also understood that the force wasn't a single entity or a simple dynamic, as the other theorists claimed. And this realisation blew his mind, while others' minds were shaken by the earthquake.